Monday, September 24, 2012

10 you get that fish really nutritional recommendations

Core Tip: on the table, "better than four legs two legs, two legs better than no legs" - not the "legs" of fish = highest quality source of protein + low heat + low-fat + low cholesterol They enjoy the reputation is well known. We so love to fish, how to treat it, it really was good but no harm?
1, all fish are contaminated it?
We can not deny that, not just the fish, the survival of our human environment are inevitably deteriorated. Once, experts say the the inland lake freshwater fish because "the nearest human habitation environment, human life to undertake pollution and industrial pollution is more serious; Compared to them, marine fish in the country outside the boundaries of the seven seas, seems to be more liberal Cheong Italy maintained the original face. So, we used to say with certainty that the health of the marine fish than freshwater fish.
But, now we have to re-examine the judgment. Vividly several wars pollution and oil pollution we see that, compared to a paper mill wastewater emissions, such as landlocked like them more harm the country calamity "fish". Fish, it may not be healthy.
4:00 buy fish kept in mind
Of course, not all of the freshwater fish escape the pollution doom is not all marine spoil exhausted. However, for our health and family, we still have to keep in mind a few points -
Go to the large supermarket quality reputation or vegetable market to buy fish. To some extent, to ensure security.
Formal channels imported marine fish are more trustworthy. EU regulations clearly define the absolute limit on the content of the metals, toxins such as mercury, PCB, only marine fish to be able to meet their provisions listed sales, including exports.
Moreover, just eat the fruit last resort peeled, we can also take the initiative to reduce the impact of pollution: the fish first peeled cooking. At the same time, do not eat liver or small fish.
You have to know: fish without scales (such as eels, conger eel) are more susceptible to the effects of environmental pollution. Because scales, acts like a dam, and be able to intercept live metal in the water.
See here, you are worried about? In fact, do not have to. According to the American Heart Association's research, the benefits of fish, or far more than it brings poison threat, just the sensitive populations need to be especially vigilant.
2, farmed fish, OK?
fish for healthy recipe blog

Wild fish may be contaminated, but farmed fish and terror "man-made", comparing the two, each with its own pros and cons.
Farmed fish is strictly controlled, so is the possibility of contamination. Especially now prohibited feed ingredients containing terrestrial animals feeding farmed fish quality has been greatly improved (limited to the ideals, morality, culture, discipline the fish pond bosses).
On the other hand, the wild fish fat content is much lower than farmed fish. This put the chicken and pipeline feeding chickens the same reason.
3, how to judge the fish fresh or not?
Our ancestors magic: look, smell, and asked, cutting.
Hope: The freshwater fish that glance, the aquarium swim Huan is your choice. Marine fish or freshwater fish from the off-site transport to absolutely want to appearance a "fish": fish is fresh, the whole body is more shiny, healthy natural sheen, like a woman's skin. Observe the fish is complete, the scales are complete, whether there is rot trace. Also, pay attention to watch the eyes of the fish, the more fresh fish, eyes more black and white does not sag.
Wen: fresh fish with the natural smell of fish, and if not, indicating that fish stored for a long time. Marine fish with significantly different from the ocean inland fish breath.
Q: trust fish, after all, to sell the thing he is not worthy of you bad fish, unless he does not want you to do repeat business.
Cut: a finger click the fish time resistance to loosen quickly reset is fresh.
Core Tip: on the table, "better than four legs two legs, two legs better than no legs" - not the "legs" of fish = highest quality source of protein + low heat + low-fat + low cholesterol They enjoy the reputation is well known. We so love to fish, how to treat it, it really was good but no harm?
4, how to save fish?
As we all know, the fish is fresh to eat. Fish rich in unsaturated fat oxidation within a very short period of time, long-term storage is not easy nor wise.
- If it is a Japanese-style salmon sashimi raw fish must be eaten the same day.
- If it is a fish, it is best bought two days after eating. Because the fish is very perishable, infection bacteria emit unpleasant odors children. Of course, you can also fish wash dry and frozen. Frozen fish, you should finish it within two months. Frozen too long, will be the destruction of fish protein and fat oxidation.
- Storage is the most economical to buy frozen fish, frozen fish is often inferior in taste. Frozen fish bought directly into the minus 18 degrees Celsius freezer like, you need to edible completed within six months. Quick-frozen fish are most afraid of repeated thawing, it is recommended that you first break it down into small pieces and then the fridge, eat as much to get the number to avoid repeated thawing.
5, all fish contain OMEGA-3 Why?
OMEGA-3, unsaturated fatty acids the body is very beneficial, it is beneficial to cardiovascular health is also conducive to the emotional balance. OMEGA-3, especially in the deep-sea fish, such as salmon, sardines, herring. In some freshwater fish such as carp and eels. Overall, wild fish OMEGA-3 content, higher than farmed fish.
Need to pay attention, do not think you want to absorption OMEGA-3 went to the supermarket to buy canned tuna, some tuna species did contain this substance, but often used to produce canned tuna varieties excluding OMEGA-3.
If you do not buy the fish above, you can buy clams eat clams shellfish contain OMEGA-3 is the only, and very easy to buy.
Really the one week eat fish twice?
The answer is yes. Twice the security at the end. The ideal is more than twice. Moreover, the best fish to eat paper mentioned a sufficient amount of OMEGA-3 and vitamin D intake.
7, the fish are easier to digest than meat?
We say here "meat" refers to the common meat pork, beef, mutton on the table. Fish easier to digest than meat?
Fish and meat, fish contain unsaturated fatty acids, containing more moisture and less fat, so the fish is indeed easier to digest. Especially for excluding OMEGA-3 fish, such as cod, it is our stomach only stay for two hours. Containing OMEGA-3 fish almost time to stay in our stomach, poultry and beef (3 to 4 hours).
8, fish balls regarded fish it?
Specifically, fish balls crushed the fish stir, wash with warm water several times, processing into a tasteless white. However, fish balls can not just fish, the various add eyesight range.
To avoid freezing a result of protein denaturation, but also adding a sugar, and other chemical products. Then, in order to improve the taste, added inside the egg white, vegetable oil, starch, preservatives, stabilizers, flavoring agents, flavor (crab, shrimp, lobster taste) and pigment, etc. ... This food does not have fish nutrients, which contains very little protein, but contains more sugar and salt, as well as chemical substances. Nutritionists believe fish balls are not fish.
The fish heat is low?
Although the fish are many and varied, but generally speaking, the calories and fat of the fish is really a variety of animal meat quite low. But, despite the "fundamentals", it also depends on your way of cooking it.
Most healthy way of eating fish, steamed, which is the most able to retain its original flavor production. Teach you a trick, steamed fish, the fish under the pad two scallion, fishy, ​​causing circulation temperature conducive to fish balanced ripe, and even more delicious.
10, how to fish the most environmentally friendly?
A grim fact is that 3/4 of the world's fish reserves have been depleted or threatened with extinction. The number of marine fish species threatened by extinction, such as hake, tuna, swordfish. Even the favorite chefs cod are subject to the threat of extinction. Society for Nature Conservation has called for limiting the consumption of cod.
Either resource use should cherish. For a fish in front of us, the exhaustion of its body, and not only take the fish and eat, regarded environmental eat.
Such as the head, the head of freshwater fish fit together with tofu or shredded radish soup, the marine fish head fry such as fried salmon delicious. The maw is used homemade fish balls. Even if it is a small fish bones can eat: they are dried, then fried, is a very good appetizers and snacks!

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