Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fruit really want to eat in the morning was okay?

Core Tip: Although of saying eating fruits and foreign has to be in accordance with, but the reality is not so complicated, eat fruits and no time limit.
Rumors: the morning of the fruit is golden, noon to 15:00 is silver, from 3:00 to 6:00 copper, lead 6:00.
fruits for healthy recipe blog

The truth: the retrieval results, this argument should be a source of foreign ancient proverb, the original is: Fruit is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead at night. Philip E. Muskett book published early in 1893 "the art of living in Australia" (The Art Of Living In Australia) has been recorded. Interestingly, the expression "too far" the meaning of the proverb in English, whose literal meaning is extremely similar rumors, but lead into butter (Butter is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead at night). Although uncertain foreign friends is not literally mean to understand this proverb, but from a nutritional point of view, it is not much scientific justification.
Why fruit "in the morning gold is silver noon, night is copper"?
The idea that "gold, silver and bronze," said the truth is to eat fruit in the morning most easily absorbed, eat fruit at night to absorb the worst. This explanation is too much for granted. In fact, the digestion and absorption capacity of the human body and eating time does not matter much. Digestion and absorption capacity is mainly related to the ability secretion of digestive juices status and gastric motility. After eating a healthy digestive system will secrete digestive juices, to enhance peristalsis to promote digestion and absorption, and not directly linked with the consumption of the morning and evening, while a certain age, usually elderly secretion of digestive juice will reduce digestive function will diminished. That is to say, whether it is morning or night, in fact, there is no difference in the absorption of the digestive system of the fruit. Just imagine, at night you do not eat fruit, dinner or eat other things you? And the fruit is well digested food, because the maximum moisture content of fruit and carbohydrates, carbohydrates are in three major energy supply nutrients to digest the fastest and most easily absorbed by the body of nutrients.
In addition, there will be "some dietary advice to eat fruit in the morning," saying that the starting point is often because of the majority of our residents breakfast nutrition too single, usually only the staple food, and meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables, the proportion is too small. If coupled with some fruit, vitamins and dietary fiber, more conducive to a healthy balanced diet. From this perspective, it is advocated eat fruit in the morning is good for enrich our residents Breakfast, and improve the quality of breakfast.
Fruit to eat at night but that does not mean it is not good. Not to mention, the fresh fruit has many health benefits.
The fruit of a lot of the health benefits of
The fruit contains rich in polyphenols, flavonoids and other antioxidants, or vitamin C, an important source. Now, there are already a lot of research evidence, eat more fruit is beneficial to human health.
Harvard University, told the 110,000 meals for up to 14 years follow-up survey found that people who eat the fruit more, the incidence of cardiovascular disease was significantly lower than eating less fruit. Also, eat more fruits also help to reduce the prevalence of stroke. If the daily diet rich in fruits, also can reduce the prevalence of hypertension. The fruit is also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, is of great significance for the prevention of age-related macular. Eat more fruits can also reduce cancer incidence and mortality, and have a positive role for the prevention of diabetes, obesity.
Eat the fruit there is no strict time limit
There are so many benefits of the fruits of our health, the world nutritional advice are recommended to eat more fruit. The latest U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend that adult males eat 2 cups of fruit (2 cup), while adult women eat 1.5 cups of fruit (1 cup is about 237 ml [Note 2]) (1.5 cup). Chinese Nutrition Society recommends adults eat 200-400 grams of fruit.
But the reality is that the residents of the fruit of the world consumption is still relatively low, falls far short of the recommended dietary intake. Therefore, the more problems we now face is enough fruit to eat, rather than eat the fruit at the wrong time.
Healthy dishes of the Harvard University School of Public Health on the proposed three meals a day is best to have to eat some of the fruit, and the best dishes inside half of the fruit and vegetables, and stressed that only eat fruit for breakfast, and dinner not eat a. The same time, in order to improve everyone's fruit consumption, we usually fruit on the outside where you can easily see, so you will want to eat more.
Need to be reminded, eat more fruits and speak here is built on the basis of the total energy to substitute some other food, fruit. In other words, the total daily energy intake remained unchanged, eat more fruits at the same time to reduce the amount of other things, such as meat, starchy staple food, fat food. If other food is not reduced, but only to increase the amount of fruit would lead to excessive intake of total energy and increase the risk of obesity is detrimental to health.
Conclusion: rumors smash. For healthy people, eating fruit and no restrictions on what time. On the basis of total food energy not exceeding your stomach feeling uncomfortable, no discomfort, want to eat the fruit you eat, morning, noon or night, are possible.

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