Monday, October 8, 2012

The female summer grumpy eat more tomatoes and celery

Core Tip: summer hot weather predisposes irritability, so the weather was very easy to make female temper becomes irritable, causing very bad influence on the family and work are summer grumpy how to do it?
tomato for healthy recipe blog

Hot summer, sustained high temperatures make people anxious endless, female volatile emotions, this weather is likely to put women in temper becomes irritable, cause a very bad impact on the family and work. Temper with the hot weather, but in the final analysis, for its own reasons. Trace the origin of Chinese medicine theory: the liver is just dirty, hi be reached evil depression, anger in the Chi.
1, qi stagnation
Good liver Qi stagnation caused anger in the diet can eat more Shugan Qi role of food, such as celery, garland chrysanthemum, tomatoes, radishes, oranges, grapefruit, citrus, citron, bergamot, etc..
2, the anger on the inflammation
Good anger anger on the inflammation caused in addition to quit alcohol limit, not eat of Gan fat spicy food in moderation Eat Liver spilled hot food, such as bitter gourd, bitter herbs, tomatoes, green beans, mung bean sprouts, bean sprouts , celery, cabbage, cabbage, lily flowers, rape, loofah, plum, green plum, hawthorn and citrus.
3, spleen liver Sheng
Spleen liver Sheng good anger caused by the spleen qi main diet should eat some the Jianpiyiqi efficacy foods, such as lentils, sorghum, rice, barley, buckwheat, chestnuts, lotus seeds, Gorgon, yam, jujube, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, citrus, oranges and other foods.
The woman improve mood eat three types of food
1, soy
Eat more foods rich in calcium when the calcium content in the diet is sufficient, female emotions is relatively stable, calcium deficiency is prone to mood swings and irritability. Recommended per day for women to drink 500 ml milk or eating more than 100 grams of soy products, good regulation of the endocrine system.
2, fresh fruits and vegetables
Is easy to eat more foods rich in B vitamins dietary lack of B vitamins emotional instability, irritability. Therefore appropriate to add a certain amount of vitamins in the diet helps the female spirit regulator. Can choose whole wheat bread, cereal, tortillas, cereal, of course, do not forget the fresh fruits and vegetables orange, apple, strawberry, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage and tomato contains a lot of vitamins.
3, meat
Eat more foods rich in iron are iron deficient, easy to make people listlessness, drowsiness, weakness; lack of concentration, memory loss, emotional instability, irritability. The simple and effective way to supplement iron wok cooking, moderate consumption of lean beef, pork, lamb, chicken, duck, fish and seafood.
In addition, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, bad mood regulation menopause, multi from Shuganjianpi qi staff. Food Shuganjianpi qi lotus root, radish, hawthorn, roses, fennel, citrus.
Core Tip: summer hot weather predisposes irritability, so the weather was very easy to make female temper becomes irritable, causing very bad influence on the family and work are summer grumpy how to do it?
Recommended 4 recipes
Summer is hot, the human mind is easily disturbed, appeared distraught. People paid special attention to the spirit nursed back to health, and to strengthen the maintenance of the heart to maintain a clear air of God and mood state. Yi Qi deficiency and blood heat in summer, decreased digestive function, need to pay attention to diet, according to the constitution for Sibu to avoid body loss weight loss, small as we recommend 4 recipes.
1, lotus pig stomach
Raw materials: pork belly is a meat, seeds 50 grams, the amount of sesame oil, salt, ginger, onion, garlic.
Production: first pig stomach wash, lotus seeds (to heart) with blisters, and then into the pig stomach, with suture pig stomach into the pot, add water to stew cooked; remove and let cool. The Pork bellies cut into uniform filaments, into the dish with lotus seeds, sesame oil, salt, onion, garlic, spices and pig stomach wire last.Mix.
Efficacy: Qi tonic, spleen and stomach.
Application: Spleen Qi deficiency due not think of eating, mouth pale dull Xingshou shortness of breath, weakness, indigestion, abdominal full after eating.
2, medlar pork
Raw materials: 50 grams medlar, 400 grams of lean pork, 100 g cooked Qingsun, cooking wine, soy sauce, lard, sesame oil, white sugar, monosodium glutamate, the amount of salt.
Production: medlar wash stand. Pork to remove the fascia, cut wire; cooked Qingsun cut into the same long filaments. Heat wok, add lard, pork, shredded bamboo shoots pot, cooked into the cooking wine, add white sugar, soy sauce, MSG, salt and stir, release the wolfberry Britain a few fried, topped with sesame oil and mix well , clean wok Serve.
Efficacy: blood and yin, anti-aging and longevity.
Applications: due to blood deficiency Xingshou frail, Shenpi fatigue, waist and knees, impotence do not move, palpitations, palpitation, dizziness, blurred vision, vision loss, insomnia, forgetfulness, and anemia, sexual dysfunction, neurological debilitating, is a blood deficiency.
3, Scrophulariaceae stew liver
Raw materials: Scrophulariaceae 15 grams, 500 grams of fresh liver, vegetable oil, soy sauce, ginger, fine onions, white sugar, cooking wine, wet corn starch.
Production: Wash the liver, and Scrophulariaceae release the pot, add water, simmer for about 1 hour, remove pork liver, cut into small pieces alternate, will release the vegetable oil in wok, put washed, chopped the ginger, green onions, a little fried, then placed in the liver the film, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine mixed evenly that the original amount of soup against the Canadian to receive transparent soup poured liver film, wet starch stirring percent.
Efficacy: Yin, nourishing, eyesight.
Applications: liver and blood deficiency caused by the two heads dry Yingfengliulei, dizziness, blurred vision, decreased vision, night blindness, and chronic hepatitis is liver and blood deficiency.
4, carp astragalus soup
Raw materials: 200 grams of fresh carp, Astragalus 20 grams, 12 grams, fried Fructus amount of ginger, small onion, monosodium glutamate, salt.
Production: sectional in addition to the carp offal, pull to the gills, wash; Astragalus slices, together with the Citrus aurantium gauze bag, tie the mouth; washed, chopped ginger, fine onions. First Irazu people pot, add the amount of water and cook for about half an hour, under carp Tongzhu, Irazu go fishing until the fish cooked, add ginger, onion, salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning Serve.
Efficacy: Buzhongyiqi lift offal.
The: Focus stomach the qi deficiency due to the Shenpi of shortness of breath, less gas lazy words, loss of appetite, bloating gas sinkers, and rectal prolapse, uterine drooping, gastroptosis, is the spleen and stomach Qi subsidence those.
Editor Comments: The women in the summer should pay more attention to the nutritional supplement, to maintain a good physical condition, and more outdoor sports or exercise, eat food detoxifying the body of toxins gone, people will naturally feel relaxed fun, irritable The mood will be slightly reduced.

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