Friday, October 12, 2012

Most suitable to stay up all night the family ate homemade fruit

Core Tip: often stay up late will inevitably be detrimental to health, then, what method can alleviate it?
fruit for healthy recipe blog

Sunrise and sunset "this is the result of human adaptation to environment. But now, because of busy work, or rich in recreational activities, a lot of people got used to stay up all night. Human adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone secretion only sleep at night, often stay up late will inevitably be detrimental to health. Well, what can ease it? Chinese medicine believes that eating fruit can help physical conditioning, stay up all night to bring the body to improve impact. For everyone today recommended several suitable after staying up late to eat the fruit.
As the saying goes "eat the apple, the doctor away" Apple is a "full range of healthy fruit, which is rich in organic acids, pectin, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, polyphenols and flavonoids nutrition substances. The people are very prone to staying up late endocrine disorders cause constipation or obesity, deterioration of the skin, a lot of vitamins and malic acid in apples make the accumulation of fat in the body decomposition, which can effectively prevent the body fat, increase hemoglobin, the skin becomes delicate. Its rich pectin, but also can promote the excretion, prevent arteriosclerosis.
The bananas are high in potassium food content is also very rich in magnesium. Modern medicine confirms that potassium to maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate, to prevent the rise in blood pressure and muscle spasms, and magnesium have to eliminate the effect of fatigue. In addition, the sugar in the banana can be quickly converted to glucose, immediately absorbed by the body, is a quick source of energy, so after staying up late to eat bananas to add strength.
Grapes nutritional value is very high glucose content up to 10% -30%, and also rich in vitamins and essential amino acids protect the liver effect is very obvious. The large amount of acid to help digestion, appropriate to eat more grapes to the spleen and stomach. , Grapes rich in antioxidants can delay aging, is ideal for staying up late to eat, relieve neurasthenia, fatigue have a good effect.
Oranges are rich in vitamin C, Victoria C can reduce computer radiation hazards, and inhibit the formation of pigment particles, so fair-skinned and moist. Enough rest for the people who stay up all night, cause constipation, cellulose, pectin and hesperidin oranges specific nutrients, with thirst appetizing effect of lower gas, which will help the bowel purge, expel harmful substances to enhance immunity. Also increase the flexibility of blood vessels, lower cholesterol, a "Therapy of the good fruit.

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