Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The six unexpected effect of the honey water-healthy recipe blog

Core Tip: U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center experts found that honey middle-aged women is caused by the loss of calcium to prevent osteoporosis. This is because honey boron can increase the activity of estrogen, to prevent the loss of calcium.
honey water for healthy recipe blog

Drink honey water can protect the liver
Honey protective effect on the liver, can provide energy to prepare for the metabolic activity of the liver, can stimulate the regeneration of liver tissue, play a role in repairing damage.
Usage: In chronic hepatitis and liver dysfunction, Eat honey, to improve liver function.
2, drink honey water resistance sleepy fatigue
Honey, fructose, glucose can be quickly absorbed and used to improve the business conditions of the blood. Human fatigue when taking the honey, 15 minutes can significantly eliminate the symptoms of fatigue.
Usage: mental and stay up all night, blunt honey water to make energy. Athletes in 15 minutes before taking the honey, can help to improve physical fitness.
3, drink honey water can promote the growth and development of children
University of Tokyo researchers show that large-scale clinical trials, plus eat honey and young children than sugar plus eat noisy young children, the former body weight, height, bust, subcutaneous fat increased faster than shiny, skin, and less suffering from dysentery, bronchitis , conjunctivitis, stomatitis, and other diseases.
Usage: infirm, poor physical children can eat honey. Preschool children suffering from rickets, a daily serving 30-50 grams of honey may be two or three times, can improve the symptoms of rickets. Colds children, twice a day, every time you drink a glass of honey water, can promote the cold cure. Children sleep well in the 30 minutes before bedtime drink a glass of warm honey water, go to bed soon be able to sleep peacefully. Years of age than infants not suitable for taking the honey.
Drink honey water can protect the cardiovascular
Honey expansion of the coronary arteries and nutrition myocardium and improve cardiac function, blood pressure regulation.
Usage: the risk of heart disease, daily doses of 50-140 grams of honey, 1-2 months, the condition can improve. Hypertension who, every morning and evening to drink a cup of honey water, but also healthy. Atherosclerosis who eat honey, have a role to protect the blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
5 drink honey water Qingfeizhike the
Honey lungs, cough, commonly used to aid in the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchitis.
Usage: weak multi-cough people eat honey. Honey can be used to assist in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis and asthma. Which plays a prominent role, loquat honey cough.
Drink honey water can promote bone absorption of calcium
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center experts found that honey middle-aged women is caused by the loss of calcium to prevent osteoporosis. This is because honey boron can increase the activity of estrogen, to prevent the loss of calcium.
Usage: a spoonful of honey with the right amount of calcium supplements can increase the rate of absorption of calcium.
In this healthy recipe blog, do you learn something?

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