Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Six Summer Hot fruit should eat less

healthy fruits for healthy recipe blog

First persimmon
Features: persimmon fruit, persimmon sweet primacy, was known as "the sweetest fruit", by persimmon persimmon cake made it sweeter. Persimmon is not only delicious, but also nutritious. But persimmon inadequacies have eaten too much harm. Contains a certain number of persimmon tannin (tannic acid), a higher content of persimmon skin, eat persimmons mouth astringent tongue Ma the tannins convergence sake.
Alert: tannin strong convergence effect, easily combined with the acid in the stomach, which solidified into blocks, tannic acid and protein binding is easy to produce precipitation, it is a long time to eat more food fasting eat especially hazardous to health.
Second, hawthorn
Features: Hawthorn, sweet and sour, has a special role in the digestion of the plot, increase appetite, help digestion one of the best fruit, but eating too much is detrimental. Hawthorn eating too much will hurt in the air, Hawthorn contains a lot of vitamin C and fruit acids and other ingredients. From the the food herbs view, hawthorn Pickle Gan.
Vigilance: there are records of ancient medicine: "Hawthorn broken gas should not eat more fresh gas consumption, loss of teeth." The hawthorn is broken gas to the the Indigestion of goods, usually weak stomach or are currently taking ginseng qi medicine unfit for human consumption. Children in permanent teeth period, such as frequent a lot of food, and detrimental to the growth of the teeth, but also affect the appetite.
Third, the banana
Features: Banana is a delicious fruit Cephalostachyum, thus once some people eat lots of bananas. Everyone knows, this is very detrimental to the health.
Vigilance: banana contains more magnesium, potassium and other elements, these minerals are of course human health must However, if in a short time all of a sudden intake of too much, it will cause the blood levels of magnesium, potassium content increased dramatically, imbalance causing the body potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other elements harmful to health. In addition, more bananas will greatly reduce gastric acid secretion caused by gastrointestinal disorders and mood swings too large. Therefore, bananas should not eat too much.
Fourth, Apple
Characteristics: sweet and sour apple taste delicious, nutrient-rich, convenient to eat, but also the treatment of a variety of diseases, so by the universal favorite. But if excessive consumption, or overeating Apple may bring many ills. This is because the, Apple contains large amounts of carbohydrates and potassium, the wherein Hectogram Apple containing 100 mg of potassium, only 14 mg sodium, potassium and sodium ratio is too poor.
Vigilance: Excessive intake of apples is not conducive to the heart, kidneys healthy. Especially for people with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, nephritis, diabetes is increased the burden on the heart and kidneys, is not conducive to health. Apple, therefore, should not be too much the amount of food, the usual consumption of daily preferably 1-2.
V. litchi
Features: fruit of litchi is unique to southern China, the taste is very delicious, delicious. But the lychee should not eat, or likely to suffer from litchi disease. Subject to a series of enzyme catalyzed litchi contained most of the monosaccharides fructose, fructose is absorbed by the body, can be changed to the use of glucose for energy or converted to glycogen storage tissue cells oxidation.
Vigilance: If it is time to eat too many litchi, excessive intake of fructose, blood sugar (glucose is the concentration of glucose in the blood) content lower than normal due to hypoglycemia. Litchi disease is acute disease caused by a low blood sugar, the performance for the early morning onset, often sweating, cold extremities, fatigue, abdominal pain, laxative, such as pre-symptoms, followed by sudden convulsions, coma. Without treatment, death within a few hours. Especially children, should be careful not to eat, otherwise it will seriously affect health.
Sixth, peach
Features: peach nutritional characteristics higher iron content, the other containing protein, sugar, calcium, pectin, particularly suitable anemia to eat. Peach pectin contained, can promote intestinal peristalsis, so prevent constipation. Peach is delicious, but can not eat more, eat more cause acute diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases. The cool watermelon watermelon and sweet, where the heat was thirsty mind Fanre hot weather heat; eat is not conducive to good health, proper eating watermelon.
Vigilance: From the theory of Chinese medicine, watermelon and cold, excessive consumption could easily lead to Wei Han, Fu Man bloating, stomach digestion decreased adverse symptoms. In addition, watermelon contains very rich in sugar, eat watermelon, it will consume a lot of sugar, excess carbohydrates turn to fat accumulation in the body, body fluids become acidic environment, affect human health, but also affect a balanced diet , reduced intake of protein, minerals and other, causing nutritional imbalance.

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