Sunday, October 14, 2012

Summer eat green and yellow fruits and vegetables will help eye

Core Tip: the heat of summer, people began to worry about tanning prop up the sun umbrella, smeared sunscreen, ready to face the firepower of the enemy - UV. However, during the hot summer skin care alone is not enough, we also need to protect eyes.
eye for healthy recipe blog

Eyelids, eyebrows, God gave us the gift they like "sun protective device" to protect our eyes. In addition, many people choose to wear sunglasses in the summer, because the sunglasses can absorb ultraviolet light, so direct sunlight. Rely solely on these are not enough, given the three proposals from the deputy director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Committee members Dr. Susan Bowerman, help us protect the eye health through diet.
Hongyan ripe tomatoes, bright orange carrots, yellow-green lettuce, deep pink hanging hook and golden lemon. When we see such a beautiful picture, we often say that this is really "eye candy". And the colorful food not only looks glamorous, they really can bring a wealth of nutrition for our eyes.
Recommendations, eat green and yellow vegetables and fruits
Yellow-green fruits and vegetables can filter blue light. Lutein and zeaxanthin are members of a carotenoid pigment complex large family. These two pigments to the food brought beautiful yellow-green color, such as green spinach, bright green peas and deep yellow corn. In addition, once these two pigments into the body, they accumulate in the back of the eye's light-sensitive tissue, these organizations play a protective effect on the eye by filtering blue light. Other sources of lutein and carotene, romaine lettuce, kale, broccoli, avocado, ball teeth cabbage, zucchini, kiwi, etc..
Proposed, eat fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C is an antioxidant. The anti-oxidant may be in, and oxygen free radicals - naturally in the body as part of the normal metabolic processes, the formation of highly reactive molecules. Exists around large amounts of antioxidants can be effectively and in the formation of free radicals. Inhibit free radicals on the eye is particularly important, because high levels of vitamin C in the lens of the eye as antioxidants play a protective effect on the eye, which is why we want a high intake of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants reasons. Dr. remind us, simply add tomatoes, peppers, citrus fruits, kiwi, berries and broccoli, you can increase the intake of vitamin C daily menu.
Recommendation III, eat fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A
Fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A is also beneficial to the eyes. We may already know the carrots benefit the eyes - but may not know why. Because carrots full another carotenoids, β-carotene, it in the interim body into vitamin A, and vitamin A on the eye is crucial to function normally. And β-carotene or vegetables deep orange reason: winter squash, sweet potatoes, melons, apricots, peaches and papaya.
It comes to eye health, increase the color is the key. Carrots and cherry without processing them is a good snack, you can let your eyes do while enjoying delicious side Massage. Tomato juice, mixed vegetable juice and whole fruits (such as oranges) freshly squeezed fruit juices, they are equally well protected our eyes. Now a lot of people like to tune cup soy protein milkshake in the morning, in fact, the milkshake add some strawberries and kiwi, you can increase the vitamin content of the original ecology. Dr. also told us that blueberries contain antioxidants - anthocyanins, folic acid, vitamin A and C, and of great benefit to the eyes, and raspberries have many elements needed for eye health, so we can eat more of these foods, or We can also food products containing ingredients of blueberries and raspberries.

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