Sunday, September 2, 2012

Eat milk is more easily absorbed than drinking milk - healthy recipe blog

The core TIP: milk slowly in the mouth to chew and then swallow belly, milk full contact with saliva, digestive enzymes, also can delay the residence time of the milk in the stomach, and the digestive enzymes in the gastric juice enzymatic hydrolysis slowly row to the gut, to facilitate the intestinal absorption and utilization. If gulp milk, is not conducive to intestinal absorption.
milk for healthy recipe blog

The healthy recipe blog tip 1: The milk should eat instead of drink
Speaking of milk consumption, a lot of people disagree, "That goes without saying? Chant not grunt drink it." Said Professor Xie Yingbiao Nanjing TCM Hospital, which is unscientific, pay attention to the consumption of milk, should promote eating milk and not drink milk, that is, with bread, bread and other starchy foods and drink milk
Milk chewing slowly in the mouth and then swallowed the belly, the milk sufficient contact with saliva, digestive enzymes, also retard the enzymatic hydrolysis of the residence time of the milk in the stomach, the gastric juice in the digestive enzymes, slowly drained intestinal to facilitate the intestinal absorption and utilization. If gulp milk, is not conducive to intestinal absorption.
The healthy recipe blog tip 2:Elderly best night to eat milk
Professor Xie Yingbiao said, a lot of people have the habit of drinking milk in the morning, in fact, from the perspective of calcium for older people should eat milk at night, preferably before going to sleep. This is because eating milk at this time to catch up with the the hypocalcemia state of the body, the calcium in milk can just "timely", can change the state of the body calcium to make ends meet, they do not have to spend the calcium in bones;
Both maintain calcium balance, not decalcified bone, help prevent osteoporosis and fractures. The elderly daily if eat 2-3 cups of milk, you can get the necessary calcium the body.
The healthy recipe blog tip 3:Chicken soup not only eat meat nor on
Many people believe that the essence of the meat dishes soup chicken soup and discard the chicken, in fact, this is a common misunderstanding. Professor Xie Yingbiao, chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, rabbit meat is rich in protein, poultry fat is evenly distributed in the body tissues, poultry delicious.
Poultry soup nitrogenous extract, chicken soup, duck soup taste delicious. The essence of meat dish is protein protein a case of high fever or soup time for too long will be freezing up only a small part of the protein is dissolved in the soup, most remain in the meat, so the only chicken soup do not eat the chicken is not right .
The healthy recipe blog tip 4:Best before a meal to eat fruit
Before the end of the restaurant for dinner, the waiter always a cup plate of fruit, many residents agree with this way of eating that meal to eat fruit helps digestion. In fact, this is unscientific. Experts say, eat fruit after a meal, the course of time will lead to the disorder of the digestive function, easy to cause diarrhea.
Especially when you are eating foods containing high metal, such as crabs and shellfish, it should not eat high vitamin C fruits, high metal compound is reduced to metal because Victoria C reduction, will single quality, direct impact on health.
As to eat fruit before a meal, you can make the body's immune function remained normal. And the fruits of many ingredients are water soluble, such as vitamin C, pre-dinner food easier to digest and absorb. Eating fruit before meals has a further advantage, fruit satiety so you eat less. But note that some fruit unfit to eat before meals, such as tomatoes, persimmons, oranges, hawthorn, banana and so can not be an empty stomach.

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