Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Four types of vegetables suitable boiled cooked "mix" to eat

What vegetables suitable for "mixed" eat
Eating raw vegetables can be eaten raw vegetables tended to have a sweet taste and crisp taste, heat destroys nutrients and taste, usually just wash directly seasoning mix food, such as carrots, turnip, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper cabbage heart, cabbage. The best choice for pollution-free raw green vegetables or organic vegetables. Production of vegetables in soilless cultivation conditions, can also rest assured raw. Eaten raw, including drinking homemade fresh vegetable juice or fresh vegetable salad may be appropriate to add a little vinegar, put some salt less.
vegetables for healthy recipe blog

The students cooked vegetables Safe such unique smell of vegetables, crisp taste, often contain a lot of fiber. Wash directly mixing raw food tastes very fresh; terms mixed with fresh hot water after boil hot, the taste will be slightly soft, but not cause derogation flavor, such as celery, bell pepper, asparagus, okra, bitter gourd , white radish, seaweed. A wide variety of radish, raw to juicy Spicy less as good, but it belongs to the cold foods, physical deficiency or cooked food is appropriate. Some foods eaten raw or cooked food intake of nutrients is different.
For example, tomatoes contain lycopene can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and liver cancer risk, in order intake should be cooked to eat. But if you want to intake of vitamin C, the raw effect will be even better, because the easy loss of vitamin C during the cooking process.
Cheuk after consumption of vegetables, these vegetables are usually higher starch content or jerky smell, but as long as you can after the hot water boiled crisp taste, refreshing taste, plus seasonings mixing can be eaten, such as the following four categories :
The first category of cruciferous vegetables
Such as broccoli, cauliflower, nutrient-rich vegetables Cheuk after taste better, which is rich in cellulose is also easier to digest.
The second category is more vegetables containing oxalic acid
Such as spinach, bamboo shoots, wild rice, oxalic acid in the intestine will combine with calcium into difficult absorption of calcium oxalate, interfere with the body's absorption of calcium. Thus, salad must use boiled, remove most of oxalic acid.
The third category is the brassicas
Such as rutabaga, etc., they contain a substance called glucosinolates, by hydrolysis to produce volatile mustard oil, has a role to promote digestion and absorption.
The fourth category is purslane and other wild
Boiled thoroughly to remove dust and insects, but will also prevent allergies. In addition, lettuce, water chestnuts and other raw Before it's best to first peeled, washed, boiled, you eat, the more health will not affect the taste and nutritional content.
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