Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Expert Weapon health prawns "Five Steps"

Core Tip: the ruling came though it is year after year you still can not stop love prawns Wuhan. Invited the 35 partners, to pot Braised Prawns, iced beers, it can be called a cool! However, we immersed bogged down in the gourmet, ever think of delicious also wounding! Experts for you to crack prawns the three questions Weapon health prawns five steps away.
The experts have warned that the prawns do not overdose, the best non-drinkers, people with asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases, skin diseases should be used with caution in patients with prawns.
One question: Braised Prawns and beer, the best supper partner?
A lot of people like to eat them when swig beer, deputy director of the Wuhan Union Hospital (Western) orthopedic physician diluvial wave remind prawns do not overdose, better not drinking.
The pluvial wave explained, normal adult daily protein intake recommended 60 to 80 grams per 100 grams of lobster containing about 20 grams of protein a day prawns to no more than 500 grams is appropriate.
Since shrimp is a high protein food, in the decomposition of the body will produce a product of purine eventually decompose in the body to uric acid, it will lead to excessive ingestion of shrimp excessive production of uric acid, beyond the ability of the body's excretion of uric acid over high, while drinking will reduce the excretion of uric acid, both together, gout prevalence will increase.
Meanwhile, Wuhan Chinese Medicine Hospital, deputy director of pharmacists JIUJIANG TEACHER remind patients with allergic diseases, such as high-protein allergy, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, recurrent episodes of atopic dermatitis, allergic diarrhea crowd, as well as suffering from skin disease, colds, fever patients should diet eat shrimp.
Second question: eat shrimp balls do not spit the skin, the way to supplement calcium?
Customary practices fried shrimp balls, shrimp balls of shrimp tend to be quite soft, some people simply shrimp shrimp eat together, think that this can be calcium.
, Deputy director of the Wuhan Chinese Medicine Hospital Department of Pharmacy Pharmacist Meiling said, the shrimp shell does high calcium content, but the absorption rate is not ideal. Even softer shrimp shells, teeth not thoroughly chewed, in the stomach after gastric acid can dissolve out of just a small part. Unless shrimp shell shrimp shells ground into powder, together with the intake of vitamin D will have a certain effect of calcium intake.
At the same time, JIUJIANG TEACHER, the shrimp contains rich protein and calcium nutrients equivalent to eating contains tannic acid fruits such as persimmon, hawthorn, pomegranate, grapes, will not only reduce the nutritional value of the protein, and tannic acid and calcium combine to form tannic acid calcium after stimulation of gastrointestinal and easily deposited in the body, the formation of stones.
Three questions: the baby prematurely prawns will cause precocious puberty?
The baby of calcium menu, the shrimp is essential. However, there was a rumor, premature prawns will lead to precocious child, triggering fears of moms. In this regard, the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, deputy director of pediatric physicians Zhang said, both small lobster or shrimp, as long as it is not breeding with hormones, and generally do not lead to precocious child.
prawns for healthy recipe blog

Shrimp nutrition, children six months old can be appropriate as a food supplement food to children, "said Zhang, the added amount can be less and more than the child's stomach there is a process of adaptation, the soft rotten food, can be made of mud shrimp, cooked shrimp stripped mixed in porridge, rice or bread into small pieces to facilitate the baby's digestion and absorption.
Health prawns five steps away
Step 1: Optional
Carefully observe election shrimp, shrimp back bluish black fresh performance, general individual integrity, crustaceans off the tail section flexion surface clean and dry sense of better. In addition, we must be careful to buy from unknown sources Frozen crayfish or shrimp tail has been handled well, because these products may not be fresh.
Small suggestion: the shrimp is not the bigger the better, the small shrimp before most nutrition.
Step 2: Cleaning
Home, put the shrimp 清水中浸泡 1-2 hours, remove them one by one to scrub clean.
Third step: finishing
Cut a large half a head shell and homeopathy with scissors pick to go black Weinang naked out of the head with the back of the place. Hand to pull the tail of the shrimp tail A, out of the gut; knife in the back of the vertical shear, so tasty.
Step Four: Cooking
Shrimp body contains bacteria, it is important to high temperatures, cooking until done. Hot summer weather and easy to get angry, the best selection of steamed way of cooking.
Step 5: prawns
Add ginger prawns best vinegar solvable fishy by fresh, fever and cold-dispelling, help digestion, more bactericidal effect. Shrimp cooked should not be stored, and the best time eating.

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