Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Eat the skin of the kiwi really help sleep - healthy recipe blog

Core Tip: the kiwi skin (also known as the kiwi) In addition to the rich pectin can lower blood cholesterol, but also contains kiwi 80 percent of the nutritional consumption of its skin for the best selection.
kiwi for healthy recipe blog

Eat kiwi skin can sleep well? The healthy recipe blog will tell you.
Kiwi skin (also known as the kiwi) In addition to the rich in pectin, can lower blood cholesterol, but also contains kiwi 80 percent of the nutritional consumption of its skin for the best selection. Kiwi fruit contains fiber, one-third of pectin, especially the skin and flesh contact part. Pectin can reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
A recent study shows that eating two kiwifruit a day can a 40 percent improvement in the quality of sleep! Sleep disorder is related to the central nervous excessive evoke sympathetic overactivity or with a lot of pressure lead to hormonal secretion. Kiwi is rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, which helps the synthesis and transmission of neurotransmitters, It also contains calcium is extremely rare in other fruits, and a stable mood and inhibition of the sympathetic role.
Kiwi therapeutic role
Kiwi and cold, sweet and sour, Rupi, stomach by;
The heat fluid Jianpizhixie, thirst quencher, diuretic effect;
Commonly used to treat loss of appetite, indigestion, nausea of vomiting and Fanre, jaundice, diabetes, Shilin, hernias, hemorrhoids embolism.
The tips this healthy recipe blog tell you, does this bring help to you?

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