Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The 9 common sense Woman drinking yogurt must know

Core Tip: yogurt, regular consumption of healthy dairy products, but if you walk into the error of yogurt, not only not have a role in health care, health is also a disadvantage.
yogurt for healthy recipe blog

In the summer heat of the summer, every day to drink yogurt has become many people's eating habits. But not necessarily fully Suannai healthy Oh, we must pay attention to these matters.
A, yogurt and yogurt drinks is not the same thing as child
Today, not only the vast majority of varieties of yogurt and yogurt drinks are endless, and you're likely to buy back not yogurt yogurt "home. Yogurt by the quality of the milk after the lactic acid fermentation, which are essentially within the scope of the milk; yogurt drink, just drink one, is no longer milk. Nutrient content of the two very different nutritional yogurt drink is only about 1/3 of the yogurt. In accordance with the provisions of the dairy industry, the 100 grams of yogurt requires protein content of ≥ 2.9 g, while the protein content of the yogurt drink was only about 1 gram. Yogurt drinks can be used as a refreshing, thirst-quenching drinks it to quench their thirst at the same time, there is a certain amount of nutritional value, but must not substitute for milk and yogurt.
, Yogurt and green papaya with weight loss and breast
Method One: yogurt + milk and a green papaya 150 ml sugar-free yogurt, with two spoons of practice milk, stir into the green papaya. Ready-to-eat, refrigerator frozen, and taste better.
Method: yogurt + milk daily before a meal with 150 ml of yogurt with two spoons of practice milk, stir well and serve.
Method: yogurt + practice milk chest massage deployment Chin products, many systems, night after bath, painted in the chest, alternating clockwise counterclockwise massage. At least 15 minutes to chest feel fever as well.
, Yogurt every day should be drinking much would be appropriate
Morning glass of milk, a cup of yogurt in the evening is ideal. But some people are particularly fond of yogurt and a lot of yogurt, often after a meal can cause weight gain. This is because the yogurt itself contains a certain amount of heat, after dinner yogurt is equivalent to an additional intake of these calories, causing weight gain. For people who are healthy, drink a glass or two a day, that is to say, the day is about to eat 250-500 grams is more appropriate. The best meal for half an hour to an hour drinking, regulation of intestinal flora, beneficial to good health.
Doubt: yoghurt can warm you
Yogurt, drink a glass of cold stomach will be very uncomfortable, want yogurt drink after heating, some people say that the heat will destroy the nutrition. In fact, yogurt can warm after drinking. That yogurt should not be heated, is worried that kill the most valuable of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt, its role is to produce lactic acid, so the gut more acidic, and can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria and weakened spoilage bacteria produce toxins in the gut if only yogurt heat treatment, but will increase the activity of lactic acid bacteria, and its unique role in health care will be even greater. So, to say the yogurt drink can be heated. You can even put yogurt packaging placed in warm water about 45 slowly heated with heating shaking, and other packaging outside feel warm, drinkable.
, Yogurt can not mix and match
Yogurt and a lot of food with them are very good, especially breakfast with bread, snacks, dry and thin, taste good but also nutritious. But do not be eaten with sausage, bacon and high-fat processed meats. Added to processed meat denitrification is nitrite, will and yogurt amines to form nitrosamines are carcinogens. The yogurt also should not be, and certain drugs, the same clothes, such as chloramphenicol, erythromycin and other antibiotics, sulfa drugs, which can kill or damage of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt. Remember love yogurt yogurt is very fit and starchy foods with food, such as rice, noodles, steamed buns, bread, bread and so on.
Core Tip: yogurt, regular consumption of healthy dairy products, but if you walk into the error of yogurt, not only not have a role in health care, health is also a disadvantage.
More yogurt and can not lose weight
Yogurt does have some weight loss, mainly because it contains a lot of lactic acid bacteria, can effectively regulate body flora balance, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and thus relieve constipation. And long-term constipation and weight gain have a certain relationship. Yogurt also has a certain sense of satiety, the slight hunger a drink can effectively alleviate the urgent appetite, thereby reducing the amount of eating the next meal. But do not forget, the yogurt itself contains a certain heat, heat milk higher than the same cause weight gain, if the original diet based on additional eat. The best way is to select the word of skim and low-calorie yogurt, although they taste as good as the full-fat yogurt so rich mellow, but low in calories, and will not make the heat quickly pile up in the body and weight gain.
7, it is best to not take yogurt fill their stomachs
When you are hungry, often immediately grabbed a cup of yogurt, drained? This can really alleviate the feeling of hunger, but it is best to not take yogurt to fill their stomachs. Fasting gastric acidity (pH value), yogurt specific lactic acid bacteria susceptible to acid killing its role in health care will be greatly weakened. Or 1 to 2 hours after a meal, when to drink it! Because the gastric juice diluted, the pH of the stomach is the most suitable for lactic acid bacteria growth. The benefits of yogurt in the evening some more. I remember after drinking yogurt, especially at night after drinking, timely brushing your teeth, because certain species, yogurt and acidic substances damage the teeth.
Eight, yogurt is not all ages
In fact, yogurt is good, but not everyone is fit for human consumption. Diarrhea or other intestinal disease after intestinal injury yogurt to be careful; less than 1 year old baby, and it is not yogurt. In addition, people with diabetes, atherosclerosis patients, cholecystitis and pancreatitis patients is best not to drink sugary fat yogurt, or easy to be worse. Crowd of more yogurt: regular drinker, regular smokers, often engaged in computer operations, often in patients with constipation, antibiotics patients, patients with osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease.
IX yogurt reject heat
A lot of information on the say that yogurt can not be heated to drink yogurt afraid heated most valuable lactic acid bacteria are killed, and the taste and texture will change its nutritional value and health care functions will be reduced. However, if only the yogurt heated to lukewarm yogurt lactic acid bacteria will not be killed, but will increase the activity of lactic acid bacteria, and its unique role in health care will be even greater. You can even bag or cup of yogurt into the warm water about 45 ℃ slowly warmed with heating shaking, feeling mild, drinkable, which is comparable in the cold winter to drink a glass of cold yogurt so people a lot more comfortable.

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