Thursday, August 30, 2012

The best match food of the rabbit and nutritional health of the rabbit

Rabbit nutrition
rabbit nutrition for the healthy recipe blog

Rabbit muscle fiber tender, easy to digest and absorb the delicious, is a leader in the meat products.

Rabbit into a house rabbit, hare two. Up to 21.2 grams per 100 grams of rabbit meat contains protein than beef, lamb and pork. Rabbit muscle fibers delicate loose more moisture, so the meat tender, easy to digest and absorb. Containing only 0.4 grams fat, cardiovascular disease and obesity patients is also an ideal animal protein foods. In addition, still contain maltose, glucose, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and.

The rabbit meat protein content as high as 21.2%, higher than beef, lamb and pork, as a complete protein food. Rabbit meat contained essential amino acids completely protein biological value of 40.15% ranked highest of meat. Rabbit meat in fat content was only 3.8%, only 1/5 of the beef, mutton 1/7, 1/17 of the pork. Rabbit meat containing phospholipids, cholesterol. Fresh rabbit meat contains only 0.05% cholesterol, beef 0.14% and 0.15%, pork. When the blood containing cholesterol less, phosphatidic a long time, cholesterol deposited on reducing the number of the vessel wall and vascular atherosclerosis opportunity. Therefore, the long-term consumption of rabbit meat instead of pork, lamb can control high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Rabbit niacin, minerals and sugar content than other meat is also a champion. Niacin also known as niacin, helps respiration enzyme involved in the digestion and absorption of body protein, fat and carbohydrates, and conducive to the health of the maternal, children, elderly, sick and disabled.
The best match of the rabbit meat, rabbit meat affordable food list

Rabbit + onions

Rabbit meat contained in protein than the same amount of beef and mutton, and easy to absorb, and low fat content of rabbit meat, it has been considered a beauty food. Onions lipid-lowering efficacy. Both with fried tender digestible, nutrient-rich.

Rabbit + wolfberry

Delicate rabbit meat because of muscle fibers loose, water and more tender meat, easy digestion and absorption, have efficacy of thirst quencher the stomach, Liangxue detoxification. The wolfberry nourishing the liver, kidney, lung, Liver Quhuo efficacy. Back pain, diabetes, dizziness, ringing in the ears, eyes blurred a therapeutic effect.

Magnolia + rabbit

The magnolia qi Yin, Qingreliangxue the rabbit match, with Yin and Yang Qi efficacy Qingreliangxue. Suitable for the treatment of Yin cough, thirst, frail, vomiting blood, blood in the stool and other illnesses.
Rabbit which health effects?

The rabbit carnivorous cool, sweet, with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, cooling blood and promoting blood circulation function. Suitable for diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition, lack of blood, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, obesity patients, as well as children, the elderly edible.

(1) compared to rabbit and pig, cow, lamb, because it contains unique nutrients the body needs, high protein, high iron, high calcium, high phospholipids and low-fat, low-cholesterol, the elderly, cardiovascular disease patients and anemia person is particularly suitable.

(2) rabbit brain gave birth to the role. "Compendium of Materia Medica", said that it "gave birth to skidding folk in the Rabbit Brain and transparent frankincense right amount of research in the twelfth lunar month, and made about 1 gram pills, stored in a cool dry. When the fetus when no less than the delay with hot rice wine delivery service 1 pill.

(3) rabbit liver suitable for patients with eating nyctalopia. Fresh rabbit liver 2 to 3, the open Shuitang until half cooked, fasting food, night blindness is very effective.

(4) suitability as a beauty food. Regular consumption, the human development shapely, delicate skin health, beauty meat "said.

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