Thursday, August 23, 2012

Teach you to distinguish 100% fruit juice for healthy recipe blog

Core Tip: a wide range of commercially available juice, 100% fruit juice is undoubtedly one of the highest nutritional value varieties. Consumers should be how to identify 100% juice?
juice for healthy recipe blog

First, read the label. Qualified product packaging with the ingredients 100% pure juice instructions are generally marked as 100% fruit juice (such as Restore for concentrated fruit juice, marked water, fruit juice concentrate), does not contain any anti-corrosion and clearly written. "agent, sugar and artificial coloring. It is a healthy recipe blog that must know.
Secondly, the concept of color. 100% pure fruit juice should approximate the color of fresh fruit. If the juice is very bright color, add too much pigment, shoddy goods.
Third, look precipitation. Precipitation of 100% pure juice, reserved juice processing very beneficial to the human body, fruit pulp and cellulose, flesh precipitation juice, nutrition is more comprehensive.
Finally, the product taste. 100% pure juice tastes the flavor of fresh fruit, sweet and sour entrance suitable for (orange juice entrance acidic); inferior products tend to be too sweet, the aftertaste is not natural entrance.
If consumers are still worried, can purchase the products of big business, big brands, such as is now visible on the market 100% juice brand Huiyuan, the Great Lakes, etc., regardless of the product quality and after-sales service are more secure.
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