Monday, September 10, 2012

Memory loss walnut apple tea to drink

Core Tip: memory will slow rate of decline with the aging of the various organs of the body, which is a natural law, is a normal phenomenon. Here are some herbal tea can alleviate memory loss, drinking tea instead, to restore his health.
walnut for healthy recipe blog

Longan Zaoren tea
Take longan meat, fried Zaoren each 10 grams, 12 grams of Gorgon, wash and add the right amount of water, and cook for 2 times, every 30 minutes, to juice on behalf of the tea used. Can the Spleen soothe the nerves, brain puzzle, for Heart and blood deficiency forgetfulness, palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, etc.. Meanwhile, Keshan bedtime tea powder to help you to sleep.
Walnut apple tea
60 grams of walnuts, apples, brown sugar. Wash the apples, peeled and chopped walnut into a container, add water, first with the fire to boil, then simmer low heat and cook for 30 minutes, adding the brown sugar Shaozhu to 2 times a day of tea drinking. Can be nourishing meditatively, brain puzzle, suitable for the heart spleen deficiency flustered forgetfulness, sleep soundly at night more than a dream and other symptoms, especially for the young and middle-aged and elderly intellectuals the brain minds of a lot of trouble by retaining the use of the brain.
Ganoderma Puzzle tea
Ganoderma lucidum 20 grams Wash, dry and cut into Pieces into the cup with boiling water, cover and simmer for 20 minutes to drink. Can Qi Ning Heart, Puzzle soothe the nerves, applicable to dizziness, forgetfulness, palpitations, fatigue, pale complexion, looks haggard.

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