Sunday, September 9, 2012

Woman preferred fragrance of lily tea

Core Tip: lilies, sweet, bitter, sexual level, the lung, the Heart Sutra. Busy city people should eat lilies, we usually eat called sweet lilies pharmacies selling bitter lilies, much the same effect.
lily tea for healthy recipe blog

Yang Xin preferred: lily tea
Lily sweet, bitter, flat, the lung, the Heart Sutra. Busy city people should eat lilies, we usually eat called sweet lilies pharmacies selling bitter lilies, much the same effect. The lilies main effect is pure heart and soothe the nerves, lungs and cough. Lily slightly bitter Chinese medicine seems bitter things into the Heart Sutra, have drawdown Firelight role, go Firelight God since Ann therefore lilies emotional irritability, restlessness, improve sleep, have a good effect. Lilies of the lung, pulmonary main gas, the main fur lilies can play the role of the lungs and cough can also Buzhongyiqi, of stomach also good.
How to do: the usage is very simple: 10 grams a day soaked in water to drink.
Purify the skin's natural clergyman: Chamomile tea
Chamomile help sleep, moisturizes the skin, but also can improve premenstrual discomfort. Eliminate discomfort caused by soreness retreat anger, eliminate eye fatigue. It can cure eczema, acne, herpes and common skin allergies. Also can improve the swelling of the body, purify the skin's natural clergyman.
Adds to the growing chamomile, but also to improve the bleak color, skin becomes bright shiny; relaxed physical and mental anxiety, insomnia or often have nightmares at night drinking, can have a tranquilizing effect. It can also relieve eyestrain brew cold tea bags deposited eyes, but also helps to remove dark circles. Also can be used as a sedative mask, sensitive skin, especially therapeutic Oh!
How to do: dried chamomile about two teaspoons, brewed to boiling water, simmer about 30 minutes Zhuojia honey, very sweet and delicious.

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