Sunday, September 16, 2012

What food allows you to socialize not drunk

Core Tip: Do you know which foods can help often socialize your anti-drunk? Entertaining and festive dinner is the most troublesome thing for drinking, while the majority of beverages people drink too much, do not drink to hurt the feelings of worry. Exactly how much drinker operator beverages it, what Zuojiu food defending both drunk but also to maximize the protection of gastrointestinal?
drunk woman for healthy recipe blog

Four types of food will help the anti-drunk
The experts said that, you can get something to eat before drinking, one can form some protection in the stomach, reducing the stimulation of the stomach wall; two of alcohol and mixed with food to reduce its concentration, slow down the absorption of alcohol; three substances necessary for the metabolism of alcohol intake. The specific way of eating are the following:
1, starchy food
Starch macromolecules occurs and alcohol combination, and also can delay the absorption of alcohol. The amylose-rich foods more desirable, such as potato food.
2 pectin-rich fruits and vegetables
Such as apples, hawthorn, cauliflower, pumpkin, and the like. The type of food you want to eat some of the job, which pectin delay the absorption of food components, and these food moisture can help dilute alcohol. Because they are low in calories, eat some do not have to worry about the problem of obesity.
3, milk and soy milk and other protein drinks
Especially yogurt, slimy, often adding vegetable gum thickener, a longer residence time in the stomach, favorable diluted alcohol, and slow the absorption of alcohol. Milk drinks containing thickener, also protect gastric mucosa.
4, foods rich in B vitamins
B vitamin-rich foods such as whole grains, milk, egg yolk, mushrooms. When necessary, oral vitamin B complex tablets, good for the body. Alcohol metabolism in the liver need their help. Advance very convenient to eat two vitamin B complex tablets.
Other hangover food
1, one kilogram of white radish, mash juice, 1 service, add brown sugar, white radish juice Beverage Service taking; also edible raw radish, can play a hangover effect.
2, take Horseshoe (water chestnuts) 10, washed mashed, wrapped with gauze and squeeze out the juice Beverage apply to drink kaoliang liquor intoxicating.
1, take 3-5 oranges, washed out not peeled Juice Beverage, or food service. Can not find oranges with fresh oranges also can be used instead.
2, eat of several pears or pears, peeled slices, immersed in cold water for 10 minutes, Chili drinking water, can also be sobering.
Food categories:
1, take the green beans, red beans, black beans 50 grams, 15 grams of licorice, boiled, beans, soup with dose, can be refreshing hangover, ease alcoholism.
2, eat more soy products like vegetables, drinking soy products in an amino acid solution of alcohol, food can accelerate its excreted.
3, drunk desirable Beverage thick rice soup, rice soup containing polysaccharides and B vitamins, there are detoxification hangover effect, add sugar to drink better effect.

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