Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Summer eating yam for both spleen and lungs also Stomach

Core Tip: spleen wet? Kidney? Want to lungs, to fill the stomach? You the yam can fully meet. Summer is dry and hot season, eat supplements pay attention this season to eat yam not only will not make up too far, you can also can spleen and lungs, stomach and kidney. So yam which in the end, what to eat, small detail to introduce you to.
yam for healthy recipe blog

Summer is coming, with yam soup is the best. As for the effect and role of yam, not only spleen and lungs, stomach and kidney, strong bones and muscles, and longevity. What should usual to eat yam only right thing to do? Today we have to count the benefits of yam, to tell you the variety of yam eat.
The yam varieties Wisdom is divided into two categories, one massive yam, distributed in tropical and subtropical, potato-shaped, high yield, rapid fertility. Other elongated yam original distribution in temperate regions such as China and Japan, the vine more slender circular leaves than strip tubers shaped like long sticks to its characteristics, the quality is extremely excellent yield massive yam as a strong tonic in traditional Chinese medicine prescription is often very high priced.
The yam is very rich in nutrients, the tubers are rich in many essential amino acids, protein and starch, and the other with a phlegmatic, allantoin, choline, cellulose, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus , iron, iodine and other minerals.
The yam efficacy and role
First, for the weak stomach, eat less burnout, loose stools Jiuxie, Malnutrition in children as well as the spleen and stomach sickness. Yam both qi also Yin, complement rather than stagnation AIDS but not greasy, flat fill the stomach commonly used products. The single flavor large doses, but more with the Compound.
For lung deficiency cough, the consumptive Tansou, often associated with V Ling, Atractylodes, Arctium with the use.
For lack of kidney, spermatorrhea, frequent urination. Spleen wet Sheng stuffiness of the chest and abdomen when hanged. Yam Prized today and nutritious meals, diet therapy diseases.
Eat yam
Quinoa mountain ones
A material: half a cup of quinoa, rice, half a cup, yam, medlar put, spices, a little salt, water 4 large bowl.
Quinoa mountain ones practice quinoa Metty with blisters about three hours, and then add four large bowl with water and washing clean the rice pot.
2, yams, peeled, chopped, soak with water to prevent oxidation discoloration.
Porridge fire to boil, turn the heat and simmer 15 minutes or so.
4, add yam, open fires, boil, turn a small fire to boil for 20-30 minutes.
Finally, put the right amount of salt can be like the rich colors add a little wolfberry dry colors become very beautiful.
Core Tip: spleen wet? Kidney? Want to lungs, to fill the stomach? You the yam can fully meet. Summer is dry and hot season, eat supplements pay attention this season to eat yam not only will not make up too far, you can also can spleen and lungs, stomach and kidney. So yam which in the end, what to eat, small detail to introduce you to.
Second, the yam fried cow ridge
Material: 150 grams of beef (sirloin), yams, tomatoes, a little salad oil seasoning, the amount of salt, soy sauce, onion amount, the right amount of ginger and garlic to taste, cooking wine to taste, tomato sauce, bay leaves little amount of sugar .
Ketchup yam burn cow ridge sirloin cuts into plus ginger, cooking wine, water flying under cold water control.
Yam, peeled, water rinse, labeled hob with cold Paoshang.
Wash tomatoes also labeled hob (which can hit the cross knife, scalded with boiling water and then open the skin, remove after the skin peeled and then cut into pieces).
4 net pot into the oil, into the hot nowadays Ginger, garlic, onions, blocks until fragrant, stir fry beef pieces under half a minute.
Cooked into the cooking wine, soy sauce, stir well, into the amount of water, add geraniol, fire boil, For small and medium simmer for 40 minutes or more.
6, pour chopped yams, tomato pieces over medium heat and simmer 15 minutes until cooked, add tomato sauce, salt, sugar, seasoning the sauce.
, Yam chicken soup
Materials: chicken (chicken 1), five yam, wolfberry 1, the the seasoning salt amount, the amount of onion, ginger amount, cooking wine appropriate amount of water.
1 yam chicken soup practices yam, peeled immediately soaked in water to prevent oxidation. Native chicken washed, drained, chopped into large pieces.
2, the pot of cold water, the fire to boil, add a little cooking wine and cook for 2 minutes, continue to roll, skim foam. Remove and rinse off with warm chicken floating on the surface foam and impurities.
3, a good washing chicken into the casserole, and a one-time add enough hot water, heat to high, and bring to a boil. The write net floating foam, add the scallion and ginger, turn a small fire to simmer about 40 minutes.
4, add yam cut into pieces hob, continue small fire to simmer. Stew yam is soft, seasoning with salt, pot the first five minutes, thrown into the wolfberry good wash.

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