Thursday, November 22, 2012

New cucumber eating can ease summer heat and buck

Core Tip: the summer green cucumber is tender but juicy, watching an appetite. Come on a thirst Qushu. However, apart from raw cucumber, else eat it? Small cucumber eat and corresponding efficacy summarize for you, together to learn it!
Cucumber is common in our lives vegetables, fresh and juicy, and some people when the fruit to eat, when some people eat vegetables. That the cucumber how well Chine? With cucumber how to get that good body.
1, fresh cucumber juice: the prevention of oral ulcers
Superb taste and nutrition of cucumber juice, can be used to prevent oral disease in the summer. Tired of eating fried cucumber and mixed with cucumber, occasionally drink a glass of cucumber juice, naturally do not have a flavor.
Cucumber juice in the morning, drink a glass of refreshing stomach can play the role. Because the cucumber contains large amounts of vitamins, can alleviate some symptoms of inflammation, can play an effective role in the treatment of mouth ulcers.
Production Methods:
Fresh cucumber simple marinate with sugar, or added directly to the cold water in the juicer juice drink directly.
Drinking cucumber juice, if you feel the taste of cucumber juice diluted a little bitter, and suitably add a little honey to taste.
U.S. nutrition experts study also found that drinking a cup of cucumber juice can play a role, even to prevent hair loss and nail splitting can also enhance memory. As we all know, the cucumber with a diuretic, a strong heart and blood vessels, regulating blood pressure, prevent heart from excessive stress and atherosclerosis effect. The experiment also found that drinking cucumber juice than the effect of eating a whole cucumber.
Cucumber dumplings: appetizer buck promote digestion
The hot weather in the summer, many of the elderly no appetite. The nutritionists suggested that the elderly eat lunch or dinner dumplings, buns and the like with a filling food, not only nutritionally balanced, but also helps digestion. If you've not eaten cucumber dumplings, we might try, not only cool and refreshing, can sunstroke, buck, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
Production Methods:
As filling, to cucumber rub into the filaments slightly cut extrusion water, do not throw away the extrusion of water to stay in the pot spare. Broken up two eggs, add the right amount of salt in the pan fried, side of fried side of mashed, more broken the better fried, let cool. Eat rich fillings can also put a little tofu.
Then let cool eggs, tofu with shredded cucumber added allspice, chicken, onion ginger with Stir stand. Cucumber water and faces into them, not only the surface will be more chewiness and taste better.
3, cucumber skin tea: relieve headache, fever
Cucumber meat stuffing, cut down the leather can do a clearing away heat cucumber skin tea.
Production Methods:
First cucumber skin in the sun to dry, crumple dried by hand. 200 ml of water and 10 grams of cucumber skin Jianshui boiling water into a small fire, to the water to cook the remaining half can.
This natural tea, drink several cups a day, can effectively relieve headache, fever, common in the summer heat stroke reaction.
Core Tip: the summer green cucumber is tender but juicy, watching an appetite. Come on a thirst Qushu. However, apart from raw cucumber, else eat it? Small cucumber eat and corresponding efficacy summarize for you, together to learn it!
4, hygrophila cucumber with rice: sweet and sour and refreshing good
Hygrophila cucumber fresh and delicious, the gripping Guapian between tightly connected. The breakfast porridge habits can hygrophila cucumber instead of pickles. Lunch or dinner, and it can serve as a refreshing but also with rice dish.
Production Methods:
Do hygrophila cucumber, the best selection of large cucumber, starting from one end in the same direction to an angle of 45 degrees to cut, the smaller the distance of the distance between each knife, cut out of the cucumber more soft.
If the cucumber is very brittle and unhappy knife, cucumber easily be cut off. So the best time to cut in cucumber under put two chopsticks, and usually grasp the intensity of Western knife, cut out and will be proportioned, Western knife, kitchen knife best sharper. First cucumber side straight knife, because the bottom cushion chopsticks, so I safely cut it, do not worry about cutting off. The cut After one side, over 180 degrees, and then cut diagonal knife.
Turn into the first chili peppers into strips, soak in cold water; white sesame seeds in a dry frying pan over low heat slowly roasted yellow, Sheng out fully and let cool; small fire heated the pot of oil, pepper and tabasco wire immediately after dishing out micro discoloration, made the Ma sesame oil; then transferred hygrophila cucumber balsamic vinegar, white sugar, salt and hemp sesame oil, a little different, Stir into marinated 1 hour in the refrigerator; eating cucumber torn into small pieces, sprinkle with white sesame. This approach made out of coir raincoat cucumber not only taste nutty taste exceptionally good.
Elderly and children summer should not eat, because of cucumber cool and spicy pepper have the stomach to produce a certain stimulus, so hygrophila cucumbers best and staple together to eat.
5, raw cucumber shoot: Jieshu effect
Summer, often feel the heat intolerable, can not help but feel irritable. The cucumber is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin C and other nutrients, cucumber become the best vegetables in the summer.
Production Methods:
Best cucumber salad knife shot, doing so on the surface after it split chopped cucumber juice and crumbs are not splashing chaos. Cucumber chopped after pumping, the appropriate amount of Vinegar, chicken, sesame oil and garlic with a small amount of raw produce seasoning juice. If you want to eat fresh and refreshing mix cucumber sauce while serving. If you want to eat taste some can be marinated in advance, for a few minutes to eat, and to do so, although the good taste of cucumber moisture loss.
Cucumber with meat unscientific:
Many people like to mix with some pig head meat, meat elbow flowers in cucumber, this approach is not very scientific. Cucumber both in taste and nutrition are likely to be other foods affected, add some meat, cucumber, light taste is meaty concealed compromised on the taste, the fat content in the food, protein, cholesterol The relatively higher very difficult to to play cool Jieshu role. So eat cucumber shoot better what side dishes and hold in order to truly reflect the characteristics and value of the cucumber.
Tips: because it is a lettuce Moreover cucumber itself and sweet cold, so the elderly and children as well as a number of the Weihan the patients, or to be careful eating.

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