Saturday, August 25, 2012

Healthy recipe blog teach you the most healthy way of eating soy

Core Tip: soybeans, green beans, black beans, collectively referred to as soybeans. Both edible and edible oil, because of its high nutritional value, only the protein a ratio of lean meat twice, 2 times more than eggs, 1 times more than cow milk, it is called "beans king, "Tanaka meat", "green milk" is the food most nutritionists respected hundreds of natural food.
soy for healthy recipe blog

Made from the fermented soybean products, including tempeh, soybean milk, miso, and a variety of fermented bean curd, soy or soy products inoculated fungal fermentation. Soybeans and their products by the action of microorganisms after eliminating the inhibiting nutrition factor, produce a variety of flavor and organic acids, alcohols, esters, amino acid, and therefore more easily digested, the more important is to increase the content of vitamin B12.
The Efficacy-healthy recipe blog:
Soybeans soy protein and stigmasterol significantly change haw and reduce blood fat and cholesterol, thereby reducing the probability of the risk of cardiovascular disease. Soybean fat-rich drinks and fatty acids and soybean phospholipids, to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, brain and prevent the formation of fatty liver.
The soybean is rich in saponins, protease inhibitors, isoflavones, molybdenum, selenium, and other anti-cancer compounds, inhibited prostate cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, esophagus cancer. This is the regular consumption of soy and its products causes of cancer rarely occurs.
Soybean plant estrogen produced in the human body estrogen is very similar in structure, can become the best food of adjuvant treatment of menopause syndrome, not only economic, effective and has no side effects. Soybeans are also rich in calcium, menopausal osteoporosis therapeutic sense.
Eat soybeans dry, rough skin, dry hair, a lot of good, and can improve the skin's metabolism, the body can detox skin long remains young, the soy saponins substances can reduce the absorption of fat into fat metabolism, soybean fiber can also speed up time of food through the gut, want to lose weight who eat more soy will achieve the purpose of light-weight.
The green peas major for tender food, there is the Bugan Yangwei tonic effect of strong half. Highest protein content of black beans, contribute to the long bones, Yue face, UFA eyesight, longevity.
For the crowd - healthy recipe blog tips:
Most people can eat. Friend is the ideal food for menopausal women, diabetes and cardiovascular patients, but also very suitable for mental worker, and weight loss food.
Applicable amount: 40 grams per day.
Healthy recipe blog Special Note:
Because students the soybeans contain unhealthy engage trypsin and thrombin, the soybeans should not be eaten raw, cooked soybeans should not be eaten raw.
Healthy recipe blog's Healthy traffic lights:
With severe liver disease, kidney disease, gout, peptic ulcer disease, arteriosclerosis, low iodine unfit for human consumption.
Soybeans in the digestion and absorption process will produce too much gas, causing bloating, so poor digestive function, chronic digestive diseases should be minimal food.
Now you learn the healthy way of eating soy, any help for you?

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