Sunday, August 26, 2012

Is it good for healthy recipe Fasting tea after getting up?

Core Tip: Some people think that to get up early after drinking tea may Cellulite Detox, beneficial to health. But that really so? This healthy recipe blog will tell you.
tea for healthy recipe blog

Early after drinking tea on an empty stomach will dilute the gastric acid, also inhibit gastric secretion, will not only cause gastrointestinal discomfort, loss of appetite, and easy to make the intestinal absorption of excessive fasting tea, tea contains caffeine and other alkaloids will people drunk tea "palpitation, dizziness and other symptoms. The tea contains tannic acid, also easily lead to constipation, but would not achieve the role of detoxification Reducer.
Tea should have a choice based on individual physical, Pu'er have Yangwei role may be appropriate use of cold green tea and other Weihan especially discomfort. Suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers in the elderly should not be early morning fasting tea, tea, because too much tannic acid will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, resulting in sicker, and some can also cause indigestion. Patients with anemia, the tannic acid in tea can combine with iron to form insoluble substances, so that the body is not a sufficient source of iron, so anemia patients should not be drinking.
So good or bad for your healthy recipe drinking tea after getting up will be determined by your healthy conditions.

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