Monday, August 27, 2012

Smoking women eat more coarse grains and nuts can help detox- healthy recipe blog

Core Tip: Smoking is harmful to health, especially for women, is more likely to cause premature aging, menstrual problems, and even affect the pregnancy, affecting the working lives of future generations. Let's take a look from the diet do.
smoking women for healthy recipe blog

1, vitamin supplements. Some of the compounds in the flue gas, can be greatly reduced so that the activity of the vitamin A, B, C, E, etc., and in vivo to give a large number of these vitamins consumed. Therefore, smokers should eat some of these vitamin-rich foods, such as milk, carrots, peanuts, corn, bean sprouts, cabbage, vegetable oil and other frequently.
2, often more than a cup of tea. The unique tea catechin can effectively prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the vessel wall, and increase gastric motility and to reduce blood, urine, etc.. Smokers should often drink tea to reduce smoking, the onset of these disorders; same time, tea is a diuretic, detoxification, but also in the smoke toxic excreted in the urine.
The regular smokers easily lead to low levels of selenium in human blood, and selenium is a trace element of the anti-cancer indispensable. Therefore, smokers should often eat selenium-rich foods, such as animal liver, seaweed and shrimp.
Smoker can be appropriate to add iron-rich foods, such as animal liver, meat, seaweed.
5 smokers in the diet should eat less fat to saturated fatty acids, and should be added to some foods that can reduce or inhibit cholesterol synthesis, such as milk, fish, soy products and high-fiber foods, such as chili powder cinnamon and fruit and vegetables.
6, nuts and whole grains and other foods containing vitamin E can make smokers have a lower incidence of lung cancer by about 20%. Vitamin E-rich foods include soybean oil and other plant seeds pressed into oil; nuts, especially apricot, almond, hazelnut and hazelnut, walnuts, sunflower seeds and coarse grains.
7, β-carotene in smokers more beneficial alkaline food rich in beta-carotene can effectively suppress the cravings of smokers have a certain role to reduce the amount of smoking and smoking cessation.

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