Friday, October 26, 2012

How the five kinds of "virtual" female diet tonic

Core Tip: overtime will hurt the eyes will hurt liver Shangwei the entertaining when short, often involuntarily holding their bodies in a joke, then need proper diet tonic.
virtual women for healthy recipe blog

"Virtual" female: stay up late female
Ladies often work at night to stay up all night because of overuse, prone to dry eyes, blurred vision; body contrary to the physical laws lead to fatigue and overload.
Tonic principle: Breakfast nutritionally adequate, in order to ensure a strong effort; dinner should be light, eat foods high in vitamin content, such as a variety of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits after a meal to eat.
Therapeutic feeding programs: always pay attention to eat foods rich in vitamin A, carotene and vitamin B2 food; the same time, the choice of food with high phospholipid brain, such as egg yolks, walnuts, peanuts, etc.; also have more choice of eye protection foods, such as eggs, carrots, spinach, millet, cabbage, tomato, lily, water spinach, medlar and a variety of fresh fruit.
"Imaginary" female: puffiness female
The research pointed out: our adult overweight was 22.8% obesity rate was 7.1%, which many of puffiness physique. Obesity is the cause of many chronic non-communicable diseases risk factors.
Tonic principle: the puffiness women should control fat and total energy intake, diet should be light, eat less salt, MSG and other spices, cooking with less oil cooking methods, such as steamed, fried, salad.
Therapeutic feeding programs: in light diuretic foods coupled with red bean soup, winter melon soup with fish, shrimp, and sea cucumber tonic, tonic better. Lamb, because of its containing L-carnitine to promote fat metabolism, is conducive to weight loss, suitable puffiness of Ms. consumption.
"Imaginary" female: Spleen female
Spleen is mainly divided into spleen deficiency and Piyang of imaginary, spleen deficiency and more due to improper diet, or exerting excessive, or Concerned falling damage Pitu, or lack of resistance, ferrite weak; Xieganbushen caused by spleen deficiency decline of further development, may also be due to eating disorders, eating too cold, or due to cold medicines too, the damage Piyang or kidney is less, Vital Huoshuai caused the fire does not adobe.
The tonic principle: stomach body satisfied shipped the most important organs of the Food and qi and blood, stomach patients, diet is also indispensable, but the diet must be selected depending on the constitution and condition of the patient usually called "dialectical soup . "
Therapeutic feeding programs: alter-ego, the the stomach Deficiency person, stomach pain or cold syndrome, abdominal pain, diarrhea, the polyphagous Weixin hot onions, ginger, leek, garlic, pepper, weak stomach people should eat jujube , yams, lentils, Gorgon, lotus seeds and meat. If the the stomach heat Su Sheng Yi Shi pear, lotus root, sugar cane, honey, dry, cold fluid products; air-block patients should eat radish, bergamot, kumquat, or seasoning made with orange peel The stomach disease related, and chose to be described.
"Virtual" Female 4: liver imaginary female
Liver deficiency, also known as liver and inadequate. Refers to the the liver Yin Ye deficiency syndrome. More by qi of fire, liver disease, and warm disease late Haoshang liver and, or due to insufficient yin. Zheng Jian dizziness, tinnitus, hypochondriac head astringent, five upset hot, hot flashes, night sweats, dry mouth and throat, or the hand, foot and motility, amenorrhea less. For women in the workplace, drinking is an important means of social situations, toasted each other, are Tuibeihuanzhan, alcohol moisten things silently "hurt the female liver. Liver function is not good women are prone to fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting and other symptoms.
Tonic principles: principles of nourishing liver deficiency syndrome differentiation based on nourishing liver and Bugan Qi, liver and blood, liver qi conditioning treatment.
Therapeutic feeding programs: Women have heat, so the tonic is definitely not suitable food warm foods, such as ginseng and deer antler, otherwise they will open fire, excessive, like adding fuel to fire burn faster, so that the body fluids. Beauty supplements which nourish liver and kidney, and Yuk Yin, cordyceps, yam is a good choice.
"Imaginary" female 5: kidney women
For kidney women tonic should be in accordance with the kidney type and personal physical differences, otherwise may be "worse." Kidney is divided into the following three types:
Imaginary female kidney, suitable ingestion qi, sweet warm, nutritious and easy to digest things, Jichi broken gas gas consumption, cold resistance cold, spicy and greasy food. Yam and scallops are kidney food, suitable for various physical kidney.
And kidney women, suitable to eat Ganliang nourishing Sheng Jin Yin foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and other foods rich in fiber, vitamins things, Jichi spicy, fried popcorn sexual heat lit, fat and carbon water the compounds high levels of food.
Deficiency of the women, stable fit to eat cold, high-calorie, nutrient-rich food, avoid eating a variety of cold drinks and raw fruits.
Reminder: Governance virtual first tonic Ping your
In traditional Chinese medicine has long been "a woman with blood-based blood" view. Women need to experience these four physiological periods through pregnancy, birth, milk, in this process, the women more prone to consume blood hurt the gas, leading to blood disorders induced by a variety deficiency. Plus all the temptations of modern life: smoking, drinking, staying up late, overwork excessive pressure, frequent sex life, acquired dystrophy resulting in Yuanyang losses lead to kidney kidney injury, chronic illness. In addition to the classic the nourishing side "of as Siwutang, Ba Zhen Tang extraordinary ingredients benefit of women. In addition, yam, soy beans, celery, dates, donkey-hide gelatin, longan, eels, black and white fungus, quail eggs, duck eggs and other ingredients can help tonic woman Xu Zheng.
Diet tonic long-term need to adhere to in order to get noticeable results, medicinal herbs more difficult for the average person to grasp. "Day-to-day cooking, if you do not know how to mix herbs to use, why not choose leveling replenishing drug taking or added to the Diet. Cordyceps sinensis is a typical flat Drugs, any physical person in any season can be eaten." Such as yam Diet of licorice, Taizishen, donkey-hide gelatin, Huang Jing, medlar, black sesame flat food into the dishes which complement rather than dry.

You may want to see Woman nourishing and kidney Required of baby food. May you like it.

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