Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Summer flower tea can not just "wild ride"

Core Tip: our unique tea is tea, a poem in praise: "Xianghua tone charm, Qingming long spirit". Drink tea is not only a pleasure, but also health illnesses such as the common chrysanthemum tea can inhibit a variety of bacteria, enhance microvascular elasticity, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
flower tea for healthy recipe blog

Hot summer, many people will choose to soak some scented tea to relieve the anxious mood, but the production of "mix and match" tea Do not be guilty of these errors.
Large inventory of a common flower tea
The tea is our unique teas, a poem in praise: "fragrant flowers tone charm, Qingming long spirit. Drink tea is not only a pleasure, but also health illnesses such as the common chrysanthemum tea can inhibit a variety of bacteria, enhance microvascular elasticity, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
A refreshing thirst: Honeysuckle
A lot of people mention refreshing thirst distress from the refrigerator and brought out a bottle of iced drinks booze, drink when happy extremely, put down the bottle a few minutes and thirsty. Own brew a cup of the tea there would be no such distress.
The honeysuckle and cold, heat polydipsia, sore throat, sores long prickly heat hot drink honeysuckle tea is very good for the body, take several flower honeysuckle on the cup with boiling water, until the water is discolored, honeysuckle stretch can drinking. Nasturtium just returned from South America introduced more expensive ornamental flowers, has also become increasingly popular scented tea, nasturtium bitter taste, the brewing rock sugar can be added according to taste.
2, soothe the nerves eyesight: carnations
Often sit in an office at a computer desk, often there will be a dry eye discomfort, even symptoms of blurred vision, this population is particularly suitable for drinking Chrysanthemum, because it is scattered wind the heat, Pinggan eyesight efficacy. Chrysanthemum is a specialty of Hangzhou, Hang white the Gongju, "often with Longjing tea" and mention their position is evident.
Carnation is a common flower, pure heart and eyesight, and carnation color, take four carnations with boiling water and red open, light color and form has been very impressed people.
3, lipid-lowering diet: pink roses
Kobushi both ornamental flowers and herbal medicines, the Kobushi scented tea taste than the general flowers to be rich mellow cup after eating greasy food Kobushi tea party people feel fresh. Kobushi scented tea help metabolism, helps women lose weight beauty, another magnolia flower through the nose, nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis who also apply.
So warmly pink roses unlike red, white ice, giving the feeling of a warm, fresh, more and more women like to plug in the room with a bouquet of pink roses, added a sort of home warm. Pink roses tea mild, can stimulate blood circulation, lipid-lowering diet, not only is the vase favorite cup to share.
Refreshing: Lavender
The rosemary fragrance can make people sober, and enhance the function of the brain, engaged in requires a high degree of focus on work and a lot of knowledge students need to remember, is very suitable scented tea, but you can not drink too much. Adequate sleep is the fundamental guarantee of the energetic.
Lavender has soothing pressure to eliminate the role of fatigue drinker refreshed bubble lavender tea when adding two lemon taste refreshing effect on good.
5, and beauty: Roselle (Roselle)
Roselle eliminate fatigue and constipation, and has a diuretic, promoting metabolism efficacy. Often drinking roselle flower tea can help to reduce the blood cholesterol and triglyceride values ​​to achieve the efficacy of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease Oh.
Endless supply of tea to wash your face, there was a very pale rose flavor, reddish water, after washing the face is slippery, but also beauty Oh. Bubble tea can be left behind, and dried in the air and do a little pillow day, looked on the scent of the pillow, sleep quality also improved.
6, purify the skin: chamomile
Chamomile help sleep, moisturizes the skin, but also can improve premenstrual discomfort. Eliminate discomfort caused by soreness retreat anger, eliminate eye fatigue. It can cure eczema, acne, herpes and common skin allergies. Also can improve the swelling of the body, purify the skin's natural clergyman.
Chamomile is said that the ancient Egyptians would sacrifice to the sun of San grass. This tea is very good, often drink chamomile, can improve the bleak color, skin becomes bright and shiny; while easing the physical and mental anxiety, insomnia or constant nightmares at night drinking can have a tranquilizing effect.
7, ruddy skin, thin: Jasmine
Jasmine phenomenon to improve lethargy and anxiety have a great effect, chronic stomach problems, menstrual disorders also have efficacy. Gastrointestinal discomfort, uterine health, dizziness, soothe the nerves. Jasmine and pink roses with a brew to drink a slimming effect.
It not only qi pain, temperature and stomach, swelling detoxification, to strengthen their own immune system, but also on the the sore has anti-inflammatory detoxification role. If constipation drink plenty of jasmine tea, Jasmine helps flush toxins from the body, have a significant effect in anti-aging, soothing incense muscle, slimming Oh.
8, nourish the skin, slimming: Ginkgo tea
Ginkgo biloba in many leaves, which is good. The reason why the good, improve human immunity, anti-aging effects of its use value, and has.
Drink ginkgo tea, not only to improve brain memory, but also enhance the body resistance. I also avoid premature aging of the skin care products containing Ginkgo.
In addition to the 8 kinds of the above described common scented tea, there are these: wild bitter Ding, Jin Huangju, Panda Hai, snow tea, do not forget I Jade Beauty Zhuyeqing, the monarch shiragiku.
Core Tip: our unique tea is tea, a poem in praise: "Xianghua tone charm, Qingming long spirit". Drink tea is not only a pleasure, but also health illnesses such as the common chrysanthemum tea can inhibit a variety of bacteria, enhance microvascular elasticity, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Second, for the summer to cool off four scented tea
Scented tea, also known as herbal tea, is a unique dosage form of Chinese medicine, has formulated a simple, easy to take. Summer heat, herbal tea much people welcome. Recommend Ikunori allowed to prepare refreshing herbal tea
1, chrysanthemum tea: 10 grams of white chrysanthemums, green tea amount, drink tea, wind-dispersing heat, eyesight refreshing effect. Suitable for high blood pressure, dizziness, wind-heat headaches and other prevention and treatment.
2, mint tea: fresh mint leaves 3 grams of green tea right amount, drink tea, a refreshing and soothing, cool and refreshing effect. Can be used in a pure heart and summer heat.
3 Perrin tea: fresh Perrin leaves 10 grams, green tea amount, drink tea, have dampness in Jieshu in effect. Suitable for the summer season cold, both nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and other symptoms.
4, cassia seed tea: 10 grams of cassia seed, green tea amount, drink tea, summer heat heat, eyesight laxative effect. Such as high blood pressure, constipation patients suitable for drinking.
Others, such as six a casual tea, lotus leaf tea, etc., have good heat summer heat effects, may also own brewed drink.
Third, avoid casual drink tea "mix and match"
I do not know since when, herbal tea everywhere, everywhere, at the entrance of the mall, supermarket small counter. Scented tea with more variety, its efficacy is more, the higher the possibility of adverse effects on the body. Herbal tea in addition to not chaotic ride even more appropriate to take, can not just "mix and match", and do not want to mix and match more than three. To be safe, I am also here to tell you about several experts recommended herbal tea science "mix and match" method.
1, in Rose + medlar + Chrysanthemum: can regulate the endocrine, eliminate fatigue.
2, rosemary + Verbena + lemon grass: break down fat, diuretic swelling dewetting designed stovepipe Ministry, the very efficacy of lower body fat.
3 roses + reduced fat flower + jujube honey: can rid the body of excess oil, so slim.
, Reduced fat flower + Verbena + Aescin bile: clear blood lipids, weight-loss reduce fat.
Rose + Jasmine: beautify the skin, liver and stomach tonic function more to ease the tension.
Core Tip: our unique tea is tea, a poem in praise: "Xianghua tone charm, Qingming long spirit". Drink tea is not only a pleasure, but also health illnesses such as the common chrysanthemum tea can inhibit a variety of bacteria, enhance microvascular elasticity, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
, Jasmine tea can not just drink
Drink herbal tea in popularity in recent years, but the substitute tea like tea rather than tea taboo it? Chinese medicine experts explained, the alternative tea and tea drinking way, but some alternative as traditional Chinese medicine, drinking tea is somewhat limited to herbal tea to choose according to their constitution.
1, cassia seed: Although lipid-lowering effects, but at the same time can cause diarrhea, caused by long-term consumption can range from irregular menstruation women, while abnormal endometrial can. Diarrhea, low blood pressure, as well as pregnant women with caution.
, Honeysuckle: herbs cold side, anyone should not be long-term consumption, especially stomach Deficiency, Qi frail people and the menstrual period women.
, Senna: tea can pass stool for the treatment of constipation, but chronic, habitual constipation, long-term drinking will develop dependence, increasing the amount of the final result in invalid, large doses can also cause urinary retention, malignant changes in blood pressure, women lactation, menstrual period, pregnancy period is absolutely inappropriate.
Medlar: the effect of the warm body quite strong, but in patients with hypertension, brash people, or usually a lot of meat, people should not Mianfan red.
, Panda Hai: suitable for wind-heat cult poison violations of the throat caused by the dumb, dumb Sterculia other causes invalid, especially the elderly suddenly aphonia, spleen caution.
6, licorice: Notwithstanding the Spleen Qi, clearing and detoxifying effect, but long-term use can cause edema, elevated blood pressure.
7, chrysanthemum: the case of cold medicine, although heat detoxification, but Yang constitution is not suitable.
8, ginseng tablets: up their strength, fluid nerves, Spleen Yifei, but strong and healthy long-term overdose easy thirsty and even nose bleeding.
V., scented tea Tips
1, drink sweet tea, it is best to add the honey, because honey also belong to a product of nature and flowers taste with a relatively harmonious.
The 2 scented tea allocate its own, to pay attention to the nature of the flowers, such as the hypnotic effect of lavender, do not along with the spirits of rosemary brewing. If you do not know the medicinal properties of various flowers, the best drinking alone.
3, if it feels that the compound brewed the scented tea taste bad, into twelve dry roses, rose aroma enables the entire pot of tea to drink up, and Rose is a neutral, not with other Herbal Tea conflict.
4, flower tea can not be brewed with boiling water, open blisters application of about 90 degrees, first Tea recommend drained, then brew to drink.
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