Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Three ice cream "sin": fat, addiction, headache

Core Tip: the heat of the summer, a cup of ice cream, delicious and refreshing! A big mouth and go, Huh? How head suddenly hurts up? Originally called ice cream headache! The latest study also said that a large number of eating ice cream, it may haunt you like drugs. In addition, high-sugar, high-fat ice cream, also suitable for eating.
ice cream for healthy recipes

Ice cream Exotic food, English Icecream translated into Chinese ice cream, but habits translated as ice cream, this name is very wonderful both transliteration approximation, they are the shape and meaning of elegant and appropriate, and therefore has to follow is not bad.
Back in the era of the Roman Empire, the emperor because of the height of summer, tough life servant prowl snow hot weather. A clever chef retrieved from the mountains not snow and ice, stirred up with honey and fruit, to the emperor drive thermal quench their thirst. This is probably the world's first ice cream.
Scientific and technological development all the way, the ice cream is also the way "evolution" was delicious. Summer, hot weather, ice cream and ice cream began endless charm. These mellow taste, to taste creamy cold drink in the end is how to do it? Addicted to ice cream, ice cream headache is how it goes?
Unlock the cloak of ice cream
In fact, ice cream is a frozen drinks: it is the main raw material is water, milk, eggs, sweeteners, fats and other food additives (including stabilizers, emulsifying agents, coloring agents and the sources of various flavors, spices, etc.). "Milk" milk, milk powder, condensed milk, cream and whey powder; "egg eggs, ice yolk, egg yolk powder and whole egg powder.
The most important raw materials of ice cream butter, required for ice cream contains at least more than 10% butter fat, good ice cream may be higher, which will eventually become a semi-solid medium in the ice cream to produce a delicate texture. Usually there will be a small amount of an emulsifier to improve the fat particles and the final texture. Overall, more butter content, the more high-end ice cream, the more delicious.
High in sugar, fat, delicious not to eat
The ice cream is not low sugar content, a can of Sprite / Coca-Cola is about 12% sugar, ice cream is usually 12% to 18%, that is to say, it is the amount of sugar may be even higher than sweet drinks.
Oh, can not forget the ice cream 8% -16% of the fat content. Usually ice cream, milk fat content of 12% -16%, a high-quality ice cream fat content will be higher, for example, the mass fraction of the Haagen Dazs ice cream total fats (Haagen-Dazs) is generally about 17%, up 21.70% . Fat ice cream contains mainly from the cream and egg yolk fat and milk fat part of the cholesterol and saturated fat may bring.
These ingredients means ice cream ice, but high in calories If long-term eat a lot of ice cream, then your weight loss plan may be less smooth. With more and more extensive use of the plant hydrogenated oils, ice cream may also become a source of trans fatty acids. To make the ice cream and delicious at the same time be able to reduce costs, some products will use "margarine" or "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" instead of really cream. This is the introduction of the "trans fatty acids" ice cream. Adverse trans fatty acids on heart health, and in recent years it promotes obesity effect is very strong it.
Ice cream VS drug?
Delicious ice cream always makes you unable to stop eating also want? Recent study found that, perhaps you experienced a similar feeling of drug dependence.
Recently, Dr. Kyle Berg (Dr Kyle Burger), Oregon (Oregon Research Institute), Institute researchers will study the interest freeze in the ice cream people. Haagen-Dazs chocolate milkshake ice cream to 151 14-16 year-old adolescents, using brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan the brains of these young people, found that When frequent eating ice cream, striatum such rewards site reactions decreased, which is similar to the symptoms and long-term drug. Ice Cream Is it drugs?
Dr. Kyle Berg (Dr Kyle Burger), said in an interview: eating a lot of ice cream will reduce the reactivity of the brain reward regions, the higher you "feel eat enough" threshold, which may be reduced because of brain dopamine receptors so they need to eat more ice cream in order to achieve the same satisfaction.
The study may tell us that high-fat and high-sugar foods such as high energy, may also result in the reward area of ​​the brain to reduce the response of the high-energy food, make people eat more high-energy food to enjoy the same pleasure, so also make people weight gain. This frequent down mode is similar to the long-term drug, drug more frequently when a person, he would need more drugs to achieve the same thrill.
Binge eating ice cream can cause headaches
The hot weather, big chunks of ice cream is is only Goushuang! However, a big mouth and go head suddenly felt pain. Is your mouth the wrong way? In fact, not only ice cream, and other cold food. This is a series of chain reactions, such symptoms occurred after contact with the base of the tongue of the extreme cold foods or drinks, the physician known as the "ice cream pain" (ice cream of headache).
This headache is usually located in the amount of central, generally is fast eating cold a few seconds after 30-60 seconds when pain peaked, there are a few cases of longer duration; occasionally cold water induced epilepsy cases reported.
Migraine patients are more prone to ice cream headaches? The medical profession, there is controversy, but compared to the winter, ice cream headache is more likely to occur in the hot summer climate. Some theory is that a lot of cold foods cause rapid contraction and relaxation of the sinus capillaries, stimulate nociceptors, causing trigeminal neuralgia. Theory that low temperature food induced vasoconstriction of the blood vessel wall of the maxillary baroreceptor inform, will this change the brain, body pain to cerebral blood for reflex increase in anterior cerebral artery into the cerebral blood volume.
Headache principle, the heat of summer, even for the hot weather, eating ice cream, we should try to slow down, be careful binge eating ice cream could trigger a headache. For bad stomach, eat a lot of cold drinks will also increase the stimulation of the stomach.

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